1-800-214-9572   51971 State Hwy 10 Bloomville, NY 13739

Catskill Castings Pattern Shop

At Catskill Castings we have a complete pattern shop with the ability to make patterns and core boxes as needed from your samples or prints.  We can also, for short run pieces, prepare sample castings to be used as patterns.  From complex match plate patterns, cope and drag, or loose patterns we can accomodate all your pattern needs.

We would also recommend for your pattern needs:  Rick at Harris Pattern Works
Harris Pattern Works
1326 City Rt 4
Central Square, NY 13036
Ph. 315-593-2854
fax: 315-593-1785

1-800-214-9572   51971 State Hwy 10 Bloomville, NY 13739